Enterprise Contracts and Certifications 

Through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), you can complete a certification process and contract with the federal government. Certification as a woman-, native-, minority- veteran-owned business or a small business can increase access to government contracts.

Research your local supplier diversity certification programs. Some of these programs are at a regional level, county level or city level and at times have a mandate to do business with woman-, native-, minority- veteran-owned business. 

Government contracts: Look into doing business with your local government agency for additional information about their procurement process. 

Company contracts: Many large companies have supplier and procurement programs and host procurement open houses.

Healthy Neighborhood Market Network: LA Food Policy Council program mission is to empower market owners to become healthy food retailers. Learn more

USC Small Business Diversity Office fosters economic growth in California through campus use of businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, and small local businesses in the communities surrounding USC’s campuses. Learn more

Enterprise Checklist

Complete a certification process

Research supplier diversity certification programs

Look into government contracts

Research company contracts